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AHMA X IMAGE LAB熱情贊助“黃金時代展覽會暨高峰會”

來源:亞洲發型師藝術家協會供稿    時間:2016/2/3 11:36:27

AHMA 及 IMAGE LAB受邀成為<<黃金時代展暨高峰會>>閉幕禮作為時裝表演之化妝!

AHMA X IMAGE LAB熱情贊助“黃金時代展覽會暨高峰會”

收到“黃金時代基金會”的邀請,AHMA 及 IMAGE LAB受邀成為在2016年1月30 日在香港會議展覽中心之<<黃金時代展覽暨高峰會>> 開幕禮作為時裝表演之化妝, 美髮造型之贊助機構。

由AHMA Blackie Ip 及IMAGE LAB 360° Yan Chow一班的美髮及化妝師為各黃金時代的模特兒打造一個全新的形象。

黃金時代 背景

隨著經濟和社會發展、醫學進步、知識水平和健康意識提高,全世界首次出現一個長壽現象:人均年齡超過80歲以上。 世界衛生組織最近界定44歲以下人士為年青人,45歲以上為中年人,60至74歲為年輕的老年人,75歲以上才是老年人。人越長壽,衰老的程度反而越慢,這對個人、社會和經濟產生深遠和積極的影響??梢哉f社會已進入一個「 黃金時代 」﹣即中年和以上的人口比例越來越高的新環境。據估計,到2050年,全球50歲以上的人口將佔整體的33.5%。

黃金時代 相關資訊

? 到2017年,亞洲黃金時代銀髮一族的市場價值將達三兆美元。

? 到2050年,全球50歲以上的人口將佔整體的33.5% 。

? 隨著大中華經濟起飛,「黃金時代」對相關產品及服務需求殷切,同時,他們極具經濟能力,「黃金時代」經濟發展絕對不容忽視。

? 根據銀髮商機指數,就長者存款及老年人口等作依據,香港壓倒澳洲,日本等發達國家在十五個亞太區國家排行第一。


<<Quoted from Golden Age foundation>>

<<Golden Age Expo & Summit 2016>>

Invited by Golden Age Foundation, AHMA and Image Lab 360° be the official sponsored for the Gold Age Fashion Show in the opening ceremony of Golden Age Expo & Summit 2016.

By Leading by Blackie Ip (AHMA) and Yan Chow (Image Lab 360°) together with the Hair and Makeup Artist were let the models to have a brand new image.

About the Golden Age

With current levels of economic and social development, the enhancement of medicine as well as the high level of knowledge and health information we now possess, the average life expectancy has gone well beyond the age of 80. Increasing longevity has become a global phenomenon. The World Health Organisation now refers to people below 44 as ‘young’ people, to people of 45 or above as ‘middle-aged’, to people in their 60 to 74 as the ‘young old’, and to people of 75 and above as ‘elderly’. The longer people live, the longer they are staying healthy and active as well. This has a huge impact on individuals, society and the economy. As a result of these changes, experts say we are now entering a “Golden Age”, in which the population of middle-aged and above is increasing at a higher rate than other age groups. The estimation is that in the year 2050, the population of people aged 50+ will soon reach 33.5% of the world’s total population.

? By 2017, The Golden Age Silver Hair group’s market value will reach USD$3,000,000,000,000 in Asia.

? By 2050, population of people of age 50 or above will reach 33.5% of the world’s population.

? Following the fast growth of the Greater China region, the ‘Golden Age’ group will place a great demand on relevant products and services. At the same time, this group of 45+ people, who make up the Golden Age population, are socially and economically active, presenting endless opportunities for society and the economy that we cannot continue to ignore.

? According to the Silver Hair business opportunity index, as a guide, the elderly’s saving and population in Hong Kong beats the developed countries Australia and Japan, and could become No. 1 among 15 developed countries in Asia Pacific.

<<Quoted from Golden Age foundation>>



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